This Kitchen Floor in Lynnwood Got a Full Overhaul from Our Tile Cleaning Crew
December 16, 2024
A homeowner in Lynwood, WA, had no qualms about contacting a professional tile cleaning service in Lynnwood, WA, after noticing how her floor seemed to suck the life out of her kitchen area. In the past, the ceramic's pearly beige surface exuded warmth and a nice touch of sophistication, only for the colors to look muted and dull after a couple of months.
The homeowner searched online for a reliable hard surface restoration company after trying all the cleaners and DIY tips she was familiar with. Sir Grout Seattle stood out to her from the start, especially after she visited our picture gallery and saw examples of other restoration jobs. Following this, she filled out our website's contact form to make her request, and our specialists didn't keep her waiting.
They went to her house that same week, as per her request, and the homeowner welcomed them into her house after she saw our vehicle arrive at her doorstep. Our experts understood her frustration upon seeing the kitchen floor: all the grout lines had gone gray from the dirt that got stuck between the tiles, and the ceramic surface didn't look particularly appealing despite her efforts to keep dirt at bay.
Unfortunately, many store-bought cleaners share the same problems because they all leave a soapy residue that keeps the dirt trapped on porous surfaces like tile and cement-based grout. Constant exposure to these formulas also prompts discoloration, which is why we don't recommend using these products in your weekly cleaning routine. Our crew explained all this to the client before outlining their hard surface restoration process, stating that they needed to seal the grout after using their special cleaning equipment on the floor. The client was on board with this approach and asked them to return in a couple of days for the restoration.
On the appointed date, our specialists were in the client's kitchen once again. They began the process by applying a non-toxic cleaner on the floor. With the help of a high-speed scrubbing machine, they wiped out spill stains, embedded dirt, and a thin layer of dust that had formed below the cupboards. Our cleaner has a quick effect that works through the most stubborn stains without causing unnecessary surface damage, so it can be used without bringing harsh formulas into the mix.
Next, our techs used our signature ColorSeal to bring back the grout's original color, recoloring all the lines to match the ceramic's soft beige shade. Our acrylic-based sealant not only makes grout surfaces look spotless for much longer, but it also provides the most powerful protection to keep external elements and liquids off the grout pores. This makes it the perfect solution for the kitchen floor and other high-traffic surfaces.
With this, our crew only needed to buff the floor one more time to fully restore its brand-new look. They showed the result to the client, and she was thrilled with the floor's appearance, marveling at its color and the grout's transformation. She thanked our experts for the job and promised to tell more people about the quality of our tile cleaning methods.
Near the end of their visit, our techs shared some additional cleaning tips with the homeowner. First, they recommended replacing bleach and chemical-based formulas with pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Unlike most products available today, our cleaner doesn't add to the gradual deterioration of grout and tile surfaces. It has no toxic fumes, so there's no risk of surface damage, and you can avoid many health complications along the way, all this while ensuring unmatched cleaning power to remove food residue, grime, mud, dust, and other stains without any extra effort. To scrub off the most stubborn stains, we also recommend using non-abrasive tools like a towel or a terry cloth. This way, homeowners can catch all the loose dirt without scratching the tiles in the process.
Other pointers were aimed at fighting the consequences of moisture buildup. While kitchen floors don't usually collect enough moisture to make way for mold, cleaning any leftover dampness can help avoid any unpleasant odors. Proper indoor ventilation also helps maintain a nicer space indoors because fresh air makes your cleaning results last for longer. With this in mind, we always recommend opening the windows and doors for a few hours every day.
Contact Sir Grout Seattle if you're not satisfied with the look of your floors. We provide thorough cleaning services to restore the tiles' natural beauty, and our flagship sealant will keep your grout looking spotless for a long time. If any of this sounds like something you need, just call (206) 809-8083 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment with our team. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.